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I strive to harness the power of machine learning to transform and innovate medicine, cars, and robotic systems.

Join me on the journey of discovery and growth.

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About Me

Hey there, welcome to my little corner of the web! I'm all about mixing things up where tech, creativity, and healthcare meet. You'll often find me geeking out over machine learning, constantly exploring the cool stuff that happens when you blend electronics, AI, and the fascinating world of medicine.

My main gig? Well, I'm all about shaking things up in medical tech. Think brain waves (EEG) and diving deep into how our minds work with Neural Cognition. I have published my work on EEG waves and Chest X-rays in leading journals.

But that's not all! Ever wondered about autonomous cars? Yeah, that's my jam too. Always tinkering and pushing the limits in that wild world. I've worked on Hydranets, Visual Fusion, SLAM, and Stereo Vision.

Oh, and did I mention I'm an Electronics Engineer and an upcoming Robotics Developer? I'm all about infusing machine learning with a bit of ROS and practicality beyond just those .ipynb files. I have worked on the Autonomous Navigation Nav2 stack, AI-based Perception System, MoveIt2, Path Planners, Docker and so on.

But enough about me chatting away! Let's get exploring. Dive into my projects and discoveries below. Go on, click away!


My Mission

My mission is to enhance the world through the power of AI. I have a deep conviction that AI has the potential to revolutionize the current healthcare technology. The urgent demand for Medical Autonomous Bots has inspired me to embark on a journey focused on developing cutting-edge medical robotics. Furthermore, I believe that autonomous systems have the capacity to transform the field of transportation, and I'm excited about the prospect of pioneering innovative self-driving cars and robotic systems.

Let me say this out loud: We're almost there, we'll make it within a few! Just hold on!


Over the years, I have had the privilege of collaborating with some of the top brands in the industry, top schools, and governmental organizations. I have helped businesses of all sizes leverage the power of data to drive growth and success.

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